Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

The Searcy Lions Club wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 7th, 2008 at Noon on the second floor of the American Heritage Building on the campus of the Harding University.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thank you!

The Searcy Lions Club would like to thank all of the individuals who called in and bid on items, and we would also like to especially thank all the businesses who donated items that made our auction possible.
As of last night:
  • We received $1,400 in cash donations
  • We received $6,253 in bids on items
  • For a total of $7,653 THANK YOU!

Cash donations are still welcome and we still have to collect on the bids. Thank you for your help. Together.... We Serve! Click here to see the final list of items sold for each evening

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Searcy Lions Club
47th Annual Auction

Monday, August 20, 8 pm - 10 pm
on TV - KTWN - Channel 6 & on Newstalk Radio - KSMD 99.1

Tuesday, August 21, 7 pm - 9 pm
on TV - KTWN - Channel 6

Wednesday, August 22, 7 pm - 9 pm
on TV - KTWN - Channel 6

100% of the funds raised help the blind and visually impaired.
Items up for bid are listed here and in the Sunday, August 19 edition of the Daily Citizen
It is too late to donate items to be published in the paper, however items can still be added and cash donations are always welcome. Thank you for helping the Lions. Together... We serve. Contact us.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Check presented to Searcy Lions Club

Wal-Mart representative Dennis May recently presented a check to James Johnson, Searcy Lions club representative, to assist the Lions. 100% of the funds raised by the Lions goes to help the blind and visually impaired in and around Searcy. The Lions are gearing up for their annual auction to take place August 20, 21, and 22 on My Town TV, KTWN 18. Members are currently soliciting items to be donated to the auction.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

SightFirst II

Jeff Boone, Arkansas' State Coordinator and Council Chair of Campaign Sight First II speaks to the Searcy Lion's Club. Boone spoke of a special Lion's International program to deliver sight saving programs to third world countries. The program entitled "Campaign Sight First II" specializes in restorative sight medications and surgeries for only six-dollars per patient. The program goal is to raise $240,000 which translates to 40,000 men, women and children who will be given the gift of sight.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

White County Judge Michael Lincoln Speaks to Lions

Featured Lion's Club speaker, County Judge Michael Lincoln, discussed the "best of times, worst of times" scenario unfolding in White County due to the increasing gas and oil activity in the county. Judge Lincoln suggested that community leaders need to be educated about and prepared to deal with the issues that commonly accompany large amounts of money and business. He spoke of possible challenges that will come about as the road systems in the county become more stressed because of the increased large vehicle traffic. The judge was upbeat and enthusiastic about the potential for good that could come to White County, but cautioned those in attendance to beware of the tendency to "love money" rather than use it wisely. "These indeed are the best of times... and the worst of times," he said.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Norine Westerbeck Speaks to the Lions

Dan Rightmire is presenting a check from the Lion's Club to Norine Westerbeck, Coordinator of Yorktown Bay, Arkansas's Camp for Blind Children. The Lion's Club through individual contributions and fundraisers supports National Camps for Blind Children and other programs for the visual impaired. Additionally, several members of the Searcy Lion's Club actively participate at the camp by serving as counselors and workers.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Officer Installation Dinner & 60th Anniversary Celebration

Beginning at 6 pm, on June 12, the Searcy Lions Club will be installing the 2007-2008 Officers. All current and past Lions and their spouses are invited to help us in celebrating 60 years of service to the Searcy community. Please RSVP by e-mailing us or calling (501) 380-3381 by Friday, June 8, 2007.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Searcy Lions Omelet Supper

Thank you to all who participated in this year's Omelet Supper. A special thank you to all the businesses that donated the items necessary for the Omelets. We raised over $5,000 and a few late donations are still coming in. THANK YOU! And a special thank you to Bob Holland, Mr. Omelet Supper. Thank you!

Lion Dr. Cliff Ganus presents Danny Wood his new member certificate.

Lion Michael Rush presents a check to Gary Williams for the American Legion Boy's State and Girl's State

Lion Jacob Edwards presents Don Kee a check for the Boy Scouts of America

Lion Herman Spurlock presents a check to Randy Harriman, representing the Searcy Baseball Association.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Annual Omelet Supper

The Searcy Lions Annual Omelet Supper is Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at the First Baptist Church in Searcy (across from the Searcy Library and Yarnell's). It is from 5 pm - 7:30 pm. Tickets are $6.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Omelet Supper Duties

Our 2007 Omelet Supper will take place April 24. Contact Team Captains for details as to where to get the supplies and what your duties are the evening of the omelet supper. The teams are as listed:
  • TEAM 1: Capt. Jacob Edwards, Dewanna Snyder, Kayla Osborne, Wilburn Addington, Danny Wood, Mickey Gentry, Van Chapman. Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Butter.
  • TEAM 2: Capt. Chris Moore, Tricia Westfall, Robert Miller, Cliff Ganus, Mike Kiihnl, Bob Stough, Jay Cherry. Fruit Salad, Picante Sauce.
  • TEAM 3: Capt. John Naglak, James Johnson, Buck Layne, Ray Montgomery, MP Pickens, Keith Riley, Todd Wolfe. Eggs, Ham.
  • TEAM 4: Capt. Chuck Hicks, David Wood, Jack McKinney, Edwin Hughes, Mark Pate, Billy Roberts, John Pinkley. Jelly, Paper plates, Napkins.
  • TEAM 5: Capt. Kerry Thompson, Joe Giezeman, Oliver Montano, Barry Gladden, Tammy Gowen, Ralph Quintana. Onions, Mats, Aprons, Coffee Cups.
  • TEAM 6: Capt. Julie Hixson-Wallace, Pam Williams, Paul Carson, Blake Hozhauer, Frank McKenney, Donald Shull. Oil, Milk, Cheese.
  • TEAM 7: Capt. Sandra Hamilton, Dwayne Breaux, Andrew Abraham, JT DeWitt, Reid Simmons, Albert Yarnell, Bob Simpson. Jalapeno Peppers, Coffee, Ice Cream, Mixing Bowls.
  • TEAM 8: Capt. Mike Rush, LeTain DeVore, Herman Spurlock, Stephen Miguet, Jay James, Alan Edwards, Howard Norton. Toasters, Bread, Plastic Forks, Knives, Spoons.

White County Clerk Speaks to Lions

April 10, 2007 - Tanya Burleson spoke to the Lions today detailing the role of the County Clerk. This elected official is over voter registration, pays the county bills and is also the Probate Court clerk also. This office keeps the files for the three White County Probate Judges, keeps track of wills and adoptions, marriage licences, and quorum court files. This is also where one goes to file for office, and ministers file their credentials here. Every other year, this office also oversees elections. Next year, Arkansas will have it's primary elections in February.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Chuck Hicks Becomes a Lion

Chuck Hicks is the newest Searcy Lion. Chuck plays several instruments, enjoys singing and works at Harding University where among other things, he directs the Good News Singers and the Belles and Beaux. Welcome Chuck!

Cindy Jackson Speaks

April 3, 2007 - Cindy Jackson represented the Searcy Chapter of the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. This year's Relay will take place June 1 with a camp out at Berryhill park, complete with bonfire. Each team will walk around Berryhill park carrying a Coleman lantern decorated witha Relay for Life theme. Arkansas Relay for Life raises $4 Million annually.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Regular Meeting Notes

March 27, 2007 -
> Lion Steve Miguet brought cell phone collection boxes for our new fundraising project. These boxes are to be taken to your place of business or somewhere you can keep an eye on it. Bring phones that have been deposited to Lion Miguet and we will take care of sending them in. We have no out of pocket expense for this fundraiser.
> Lion Bob Holland said he would have the Omelet Supper tickets within the next few days and would be distributing them. He also has the list of duties divided up for each member. The Omelet Supper is April 24th.
> Lion Norine Westerbeck was visiting us. She is District Governor elect and is recruiting Lions to fill vacant cabinet position.
> We also discussed last week's meeting at Doc's Grill. Although the food was very good, logistics for a meeting were difficult.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Arkansas Travelers Come to the Lions

March 27, 2007 - Director of Broadcasting and Media Relations for the Arkansas Travelers, Phil Elson, spoke to the Lions Club today. Elson has been the radio announcer for the Travelers for the past 6 years. This year's games will be heard on 101.1 FM as well as on the Travelers website The new field, Dickey-Stephens Park, will open April 12 to an anticipated capacity crowd near 10,000 people.
Named after the Dickey brothers of Baseball fame and the Stephens brothers of Arkansas roots, this new park embodies a lot of history. The Little Rock Travelers began in 1896 and have carried the name Travelers ever since, the oldest club in minor league Baseball to do so. The new stadium resembles a train station, a salute to Little Rock as a train center. The park's outfield gives way to the Little Rock skyline. Seat prices will still be $6 for general admission, and parking will be $3.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Fundraiser Presentation

March 20, 2007 - Lion Steve Miguet gave a brief presentation on a new fund raiser for the club. It involves collecting used cell phones and turning them in to be recycled. Boxes will be distributed to member businesses and as phones are collected, Lion Miguet will send them to the company. Within 5 days, this company will mail us a check for the phones collected. Another Lions Club in a similar size town was able to raise $400 in 3 months. There are no expenses to the club in this project, so all funds will go back to our community projects. While this project will continue year-round, occasionally we can make an extra effort on a weekend or in conjunction with our Omelet Supper to collect additional phones.
Lion Bobby Holland distributed assignments for the Omelet Supper which is scheduled for April 24th at the First Baptist Church. Tickets should be available by our next meeting. The success of this fund raiser depends on members doing their part.
The new member drive to "Net 7 by 7/07" has been very successful. Please continue to invite people to our lunch meetings.
Our regular lunch meeting was at Doc's Grill today. We will return to our regular location at Harding University for next week's meeting, however we would like your input regarding meeting at Doc's. It has been suggested to move our regular meetings to Doc's. Please post your comments about meeting at Doc's. This will be an unofficial poll.

Meeting at Doc's today!

The Searcy Lions Club will be having their regular meeting today, Tuesday, March 20th, at noon, at Doc's Grill. A modified menu will be available. This new location is a trial.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Helen Keller Challenges the Lions

1925 International Convention
Cedar Point, Ohio USA June 30, 1925

Dear Lions and Ladies:
I suppose you have heard the legend that represents opportunity as a capricious lady, who knocks at every door but once, and if the door isn't opened quickly, she passes on, never to return. And that is as it should be. Lovely, desirable ladies won't wait. You have to go out and grab 'em.
I am your opportunity. I am knocking at your door. I want to be adopted. The legend doesn't say what you are to do when several beautiful opportunities present themselves at the same door. I guess you have to choose the one you love best. I hope you will adopt me. I am the youngest here, and what I offer you is full of splendid opportunities for service.
The American Foundation for the Blind is only four years old. It grew out of the imperative needs of the blind, and was called into existence by the sightless themselves. It is national and international in scope and in importance. It represents the best and most enlightened thought on our subject that has been reached so far. Its object is to make the lives of the blind more worthwhile everywhere by increasing their economic value and giving them the joy of normal activity.
Try to imagine how you would feel if you were suddenly stricken blind today. Picture yourself stumbling and groping at noonday as in the night; your work, your independence, gone. In that dark world wouldn't you be glad if a friend took you by the hand and said, "Come with me and I will teach you how to do some of the things you used to do when you could see"? That is just the kind of friend the American Foundation is going to be to all the blind in this country if seeing people will give it the support it must have.
You have heard how through a little word dropped from the fingers of another, a ray of light from another soul touched the darkness of my mind and I found myself, found the world, found God. It is because my teacher learned about me and broke through the dark, silent imprisonment which held me that I am able to work for myself and for others. It is the caring we want more than money. The gift without the sympathy and interest of the giver is empty. If you care, if we can make the people of this great country care, the blind will indeed triumph over blindness.
The opportunity I bring to you, Lions, is this: To foster and sponsor the work of the American Foundation for the Blind. Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?
I thank you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Next Meetings

March 20th - Our regular meeting will be at Doc's Grill at 1301 East Beebe-Capps. We will have a modified menu to choose from. Our speaker will be Lion Miguet on our new service project to collect used cell phones.
March 27th - Our speaker will be from the Arkansas Travelers. We will get an update on their new stadium in North Little Rock

River Oaks Retirement Living

March 13, 2007 - Douglas Duncan, Director of River Oaks Village, recently spoke to the Searcy Lions. River Oaks Village began as the dream of E.D. Yancey and Dr. Robert Elliott. It is an independent living community promoting a safe and secure living environment to its residents. 14 new apartments were recently added and are already spoken for. A new assisted living facility located just to the east of River Oaks Village will open this Summer with 40 units. This will provide individuals with three meals a day, grooming and bathing help as well as medication reminders or assistance. Tenants in this assisted living facility are individuals who do not yet need care from a nursing home, but do need some assistance with daily activities. For more information or to be placed on a waiting list, contact Douglas Duncan, River Oaks Village, at 268-1200.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Upcoming Important Dates

March 20th - Regular meeting at Doc's Grill
April 14th - Arkansas Lions State Convention
April 24th - Annual Omelet Supper

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

White County Judge Speaks to Lions Club

March 06, 2007 - Judge Michael Lincoln spoke to the Lions club presenting his vision for the county, a vision that would allow his grandchildren to be able to find employment here in White County, and not have to move to support their families. The first way to realize this vision is with strong law enforcement, an atmosphere already promoted by newly elected Sheriff Shourd. The second is with a county infrastructure that gets and stays ahead of economic development.

Monday, March 5, 2007

The Searcy Lions Club

The Searcy Lions Club was chartered with 28 members on March 25, 1947.

Lions are recognized worldwide for their service to the blind and visually impaired. With more than 1.4 million members, throughout 46,000 clubs, in 194 countries, Lions have expanded their focus to help meet the ever-increasing needs of our global community.

Locally, the Searcy Lions helps individuals providing nearly $10,000 worth of eye exams and eye glasses each year. The Searcy Lions also support the Sunshine school, Newhope industries, Boys Baseball, Girls Softball, Youth Soccer, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Girls and Boys State.

The Searcy Lions club raises funds through various efforts, such as the annual TV/Radio Auction, White Cane Days, and the annual Omelet supper.

The Searcy Lions support Lions World Services for the Blind in Little Rock, AR. This comprehensive rehabilitation center provides personal adjustment training, psychological testing and counseling, prevocational evaluation and vocational training to individuals who are blind or visually impaired from all 50 states and 56 foreign countries. The Searcy Lions also support the Memphis, TN based Mid-South Lions Sight And Hearing Service provides all of its services at no charge to the patient. Participating Lions Clubs provide transportation and eyeglasses. All other charges are provided by Mid-South Lions. Lions Clubs collect used prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses as part of a unique recycling program throughout the United States and Canada. The glasses are then distributed to those in need in developing countries where eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible.